A chronicler of the biotech boom
Peter Dizikes | MIT News
Publication Date:
February 2, 2024
MIT historian of science Robin Wolfe Scheffler takes a close look at the progress of biomedical research in the U.S.
For decades now...
A chronicler of the biotech boom
Peter Dizikes | MIT News
Publication Date:
February 2, 2024
MIT historian of science Robin Wolfe Scheffler takes a close look at the progress of biomedical research in the U.S.
For decades now...
The ‘War on Cancer’ continues, 50 years on. Who sets the terms of victory?
What we’ve learned since the National Cancer Act was enacted in 1971
full article here:...
Join me for a public leture at the NIH Office of History December 16th at 1pm-- now availiable as a recording at: https://videocast.nih.gov/watch=44150
Molecular Medicine in the War on Cancer: Success or Failure?
At noon 12pm on October 6th, I'll be speaking at the University of South Carolina's Waring Library on "Success or Failure for Whom? Cancer Vaccination and the Uneasy Relationship between Biology and Medicine in America"-- book your (virtual) seat now!
Robert H. Levi Leadership Symposium in Bioethics and Health Policy
Susceptibility, Surveillance, and Stigma: A Conversation on History, Infectious Disease, and Genomics
September 22, 2021
5-7 p.m. EST
Robin Scheffler discusses A Contagious Cause and the history of cancer with Infectious Historians podcast episode co-hosts Merle Einsenberg and Lee Mordechai.
Robin Scheffler has been awarded a Sydney Brenner fellowship by the CSHL Center for Humanities & History of Modern Biology to fund travel and other expenses associated with work on a significant research project in the history of the life sciences.
Join Robin in April for a virtual walking tour of biotechnology's history in Kendall Square!